Betapa bahagia kita dapat berjumpa setelah 37 tahun berpisah dan tercerai berai entah dimana.
Mengenang masa-masa indah di SMPN 1 Bandung. Ada sejumlah nama yang masih teringat antara lain : Syarief,Endang,Dida, Anwar, Otto Sidharta,Lucky,Ruby,Deny Novendi, Deny Pandu,Rasyid, Robert Simanjuntak,Sulastri,Ita Roswita,Ita Rustita, Henny,Okke,Diah, Ineu, Nenny,Sri Amiati, Nteu,Deddy Go'unt,Novita, Fatimah, Asmara,Yati,Tuti,Ati Asmara.....dll
ha ha ha hah aku inget tu, si anwar yg brewokan, rada gumasep bou.
BalasHapussi Djodjo aja yang paling jelas, nyang laennya guwa kagak hapal, dah tuek-tuek.
Agus Safe'i apakah ada disitu ?
Coba tayangkan yg lebih detil doooong.
Punten ah, abdi tos teu karenal.
BalasHapusTiasa upami disorot langkung caket.
Eta siga otto-nya nu gumujeng teh ?
smp1 lulus tahun 1971
...Ciao..yeah that very beautiful photographic. Aku jadi pengen ikut ame you-you Yituji bandoeng.
BalasHapusHelen Karnia
BC 34576E
BalasHapusMy name is Handoko, I also graduated in year 1971 from SMPN I. I was living in Jln. Nyland no 4. Bandung. At the time I was "Kepala Pramuka SMPN I" and "Wakil Ketua Murid Umum" and Lucky was "Ketua Murid Umum".
I also graduated from SMAN 5 Bandung (alumni 1974).
I am interested in to get contact with these people (Alumni 1971).
My friends at the time whos I could still remember: Lucky, Heru, Ita roswita (Pasirkaliki), Sri Amiati (Baladewa), Ita rostita, Denny, Agus Safei, Edy Wibowo, Endang Martiwi, Etty (di Andir)and many others....
In year 1980's I moved to Germany and by now I have been living in New York for about 14 years. I still visited Bandung/Indonesia for vacation several times. Anyone who interested in contact with me, please e-mail me: